Konstantinus & Helena

22 Mei 2020

Gereja menyebut St. Konstantinus (306-337) “Sederajat dengan Para Rasul,” dan para sejarawan menyebutnya “Yang Agung.” Dia adalah putra Kaisar Konstantius Klorus (305-306), yang memerintah negeri Gaul dan Inggris. Ibunya adalah St. Helena, seorang Kristen dari lahir dan rendah hati.

Pada saat itu Kekaisaran Romawi yang luas dibagi menjadi dua bagian: Barat dan Timur, diperintah oleh dua kaisar independen dan para penguasa mereka disebut “Kaisar.” Konstantius Klorus adalah Kaisar di Kekaisaran Romawi Barat. St. Konstantinus lahir pada tahun 274, mungkin di Nish di Serbia. Pada tahun 294, Konstantius menceraikan Helena untuk melanjutkan ambisi politiknya dengan menikahi seorang wanita berpangkat bangsawan. Setelah ia menjadi kaisar, Konstantinus menunjukkan hormat yang besar kepada ibunya, memberinya gelar kekaisaran “Augusta.”

Konstantinus, penguasa masa depan dari seluruh Kekaisaran Romawi, dibesarkan untuk menghormati agama Kristen. Ayahnya tidak menganiaya orang Kristen di negeri yang diperintahnya sementara orang-orang Kristen dianiaya di seluruh Kekaisaran Romawi oleh kaisar Diokletianus (284-305) dan para pengikutnya Maximian Galerius (305-311) di Timur, dan kaisar Maximian Hercules (284-305) di Barat.

Setelah kematian Konstantius Klorus pada tahun 306, Konstantinus diakui oleh para tentara di York sebagai kaisar Gaul dan Inggris. Tindakan pertama kaisar baru ini adalah memberikan kebebasan untuk mempraktikkan agama Kristen di tanah yang tunduk padanya. Maximian Galerius di Timur dan tiran Maxentius yang kejam di Barat membenci Konstantinus dan mereka berencana menggulingkan dan membunuhnya, tetapi Konstantinus mengalahkan mereka dalam serangkaian pertempuran, mengalahkan lawan-lawannya dengan pertolongan Tuhan. Dia berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk memberinya tanda yang akan mengilhami pasukannya untuk bertarung dengan gagah berani, dan Tuhan menunjukkan kepadanya Tanda Salib yang bersinar di Surga dengan tulisan “Dalam Tanda ini, taklukkan.”

Setelah Konstantinus menjadi penguasa tunggal Kekaisaran Romawi Barat, ia mengeluarkan Dekrit Milan pada tahun 313 yang menjamin toleransi beragama bagi umat Kristen. Helena, yang adalah seorang Kristen dan ibunya, mungkin telah memengaruhinya dalam keputusan ini. Pada tahun 323, ketika ia menjadi penguasa tunggal seluruh Kekaisaran Romawi, ia memperluas ketentuan Dekrit Milan ke bagian timur Kekaisaran. Setelah tiga ratus tahun penganiayaan, orang-orang Kristen akhirnya dapat mempraktikkan iman mereka tanpa rasa takut dan ancaman.

Melepaskan paganisme, Kaisar Konstantinus tidak membiarkan ibukotanya tetap berada di Roma kuno, bekas pusat kerajaan pagan. Ia memindahkan ibukotanya ke Timur, ke kota Byzantium, yang kemudian dinamai Konstantinopel artinya kota Konstantinus (11 Mei). Konstantinus sangat yakin bahwa hanya Kekristenan yang dapat menyatukan Kekaisaran Romawi yang luas dengan orang-orangnya yang beragam. Dia mendukung Gereja dalam segala hal. Dia mengenang para bapa pengaku dan martir, membangun gereja-gereja, dan dia menunjukkan kepedulian terhadap klerus atau para imam.

Kaisar Konstantinus sangat menghormati Tanda kemenangan Salib Tuhan, dan juga ingin menemukan Salib yang sebenarnya dimana Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus disalibkan. Untuk tujuan ini dia mengirim ibunya sendiri, Permaisuri Helena yang kudus, ke Yerusalem, membekali ibunya kekuatan dan uang. Patriark Makarius dari Yerusalem dan Permaisuri Helena memulai pencarian, dan melalui kehendak Tuhan, Salib Pencipta Kehidupan ditemukan secara ajaib pada tahun 326. (Catatan tentang penemuan Salib Tuhan ditemukan diperingati sebagai Hari Permuliaan Salib, 14 September). Gereja memperingati Penyingkapan Salib Berharga dan Paku Berharga oleh Permaisuri Suci Helena pada 6 Maret.

Sementara di Palestina, permaisuri Helena melakukan banyak hal yang bermanfaat bagi Gereja. Dia memerintahkan agar semua tempat yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan Tuhan Yesus sewaktu di dunia dan Bunda-Nya, harus dibebaskan dari semua jejak paganisme, dan dia memerintahkan agar gereja-gereja harus dibangun di tempat-tempat ini.

Kaisar Konstantinus memerintahkan sebuah gereja yang luar biasa untuk menghormati Kebangkitan Kristus akan dibangun di atas kuburan-Nya. St. Helena memberikan Salib Pencipta Kehidupan kepada Patriark untuk menjaga keamanan, dan mengambil bagian dari Salib bersamanya untuk kaisar. Setelah membagikan sedekah di Yerusalem dan memberi makan bagi orang-orang yang membutuhkan (kadang-kadang dia bahkan melayani mereka sendiri), Permaisuri Helena kembali ke Konstantinopel dan dia meninggal pada tahun 327.

Karena pelayanannya yang luar biasa kepada Gereja dan upayanya dalam menemukan Salib Pencipta Kehidupan, permaisuri Helen disebut “Sederajat dengan Para Rasul.”

Keadaan damai di Gereja terganggu oleh pertengkaran, pertikaian, dan ajaran sesat yang muncul di dalam Gereja. Sudah pada awal masa pemerintahan St. Konstantinus, ajaran sesat dari para Donatis dan kaum Novati telah muncul di Barat. Mereka menuntut pembaptisan kedua bagi mereka yang murtad selama penganiayaan terhadap orang-orang Kristen. Ajaran sesat ini, ditolak oleh dua konsili Gereja lokal, akhirnya dikutuk di Konsili Milan pada tahun 316.

Terutama yang merusak Gereja adalah kebangkitan bidat Arian di Timur, yang menyangkal Sifat Ilahi dari Anak Allah, dan mengajarkan bahwa Yesus Kristus hanyalah manusia. Atas perintah kaisar, Konsili Ekumenis Pertama diadakan di kota Nicea pada tahun 325.

Sebanyak 318 uskup menghadiri Konsili ini. Di antaranya adalah St. Nikolas dari Myra di Lycia. Kaisar hadir di saat sesi Konsilit. Ajaran sesat Arius dikutuk dan Pengakuan Iman disusun yang di dalamnya termasuk istilah “setara dengan Bapa,” atas desakan Kaisar, membenarkan kebenaran tentang keilahian Yesus Kristus, yang mengambil natur manusia untuk penebusan bagi semua umat manusia.

Setelah Konsili Nicea, St. Konstantinus melanjutkan peran aktifnya dalam kesejahteraan Gereja. Dia menerima pembaptisan suci di ranjang kematiannya, setelah mempersiapkan seluruh hidupnya. St. Konstantinus wafat pada hari Pentakosta tahun 337 dan dimakamkan di gereja para Rasul Suci, di ruang bawah tanah yang telah ia persiapkan untuk dirinya sendiri.

Nyanyian di Liturgi Ilahi mengenangnya sebagai yang setara dengan para Rasul:

Your Apostle among the Rulers, St. Constantine, who once beheld in the sky the image of Your Cross, and who like Paul received his calling not from man, once entrusted the Ruling City into Your hand. We entreat You to restore it in peace forever, at the intercession of the Theotokos, O Lord who loves humanity.

Dan nyanyian atau pujian di ibadah Vespers:

You gave to our Emperor Your precious Cross as the mightiest plate of armor, O Christ our God, by which he has reigned on earth in a righteous manner, shining with the true faith. You made him worthy to receive the rule of heaven, in Your own tender love. Almighty Jesus, Savior of our souls, with him we extol the plan for salvation that You, O Lord, have fulfilled in Your love for man.

You who love humanity gave to Your servant, Saint Constantine, the good judgment of Solomon, and also the gentleness of the Prophet David, and the Orthodoxy of the Apostles, as You are the King of kings and the Lord of those who lord. O Jesus the almighty Savior of our souls, we extol the plan for salvation that You, O Lord, have fulfilled in Your love for man.

You were first, O ever-memorable Emperor, to submit the imperium willingly to Christ, knowing Him as God, universal Sovereign, the world’s Benefactor, Giver of victories, who is above all power and all authority. Then Jesus, as the Savior of our souls, O Christ-loving Constantine, was from that time the guiding force of your reign, in His love for man.

You received the advantages of abundant gifts from God, O mightiest King Constantine the Great, and you distinguished yourself in them. Through baptism, you were illumined by the rays of the all-holy Spirit. You became invincible among emperors; and to your Creator you conferred, as a donation, the Empire and the God-fearing Ruling City. Therefore never cease entreating Christ our God, to whom you speak with confidence, that He grant forgiveness of sins and great mercy, to all who observe your memory.

We dutifully observe your memory, O Constantine, equal to the Apostles, and foundation and boast of all kings. When you were illumined with the rays of the Spirit, you brightened the entire Church of Christ. For you assembled the faithful from everywhere, in the illustrious city of Nicea, and there the audacity of the ungodly was stamped out, and the tongues of heretics were shown to be weak and foolish. And as the true Faith became apparent, the Orthodox were exalted. That is why they glorified you as being most Orthodox, and you were proclaimed father of all emperors, for you first received the scepter from God. Therefore, we who faithfully keep your memory, pray you to entreat for them forgiveness of sins for our souls.

It was not from men that you received your calling, O glorious Constantine, but like the inspired Apostle Paul, you received it from on high, from Christ God, as an equal to the Apostles. You saw the sign of the Cross in the sky, and being caught by it like excellent prey, in this sign you conquered visible and invisible enemies, and you were invincible. Therefore, we on earth worthily honor your memory, and we beseech you, a most ardent intercessor: Pray for us with confidence, that we be granted illumination, forgiveness, and the great mercy.

The memorial of Constantine the pious, like perfume that is poured out, has arisen today. He longed for Christ and therefore held the idols in contempt. On earth he erected a temple to the One who was crucified for us; while in heaven he received the crown of hope.

You were still young when, like Paul the God-inspired Apostle, you received the divine gift from heaven. Then, with the Cross as armor, you brought down the insolence of the fierce enemy. O Constantine, the boast of emperors and the peer of the Apostles, entreat the Lord on our behalf, to save our souls.

O all-lauded Constantine, on the occasion of your sacred memory, praise is sung to God from earthly lips. You were a consummate soldier of the word of faith, and in the battle you heaped reproach on the faces of the idols. And now, as you are established in the light of the Trinity, through your intercessions you set our minds on fire with light.

Today the Church celebrates your reign, and she rejoices mystically, O King. As she rightly honors your all-venerable memory, she sings hymns of praise to you, and she salutes you and says: “Rejoice! You zealously emulated St. Paul, you took up the Cross of Christ, and you crushed the snares of the enemy. Rejoice! Most excellent of rulers, and equal in honor to Apostles. Rejoice! You were the support of the faithful and the rampart of emperors.” O blessed Constantine, the adornment of Emperors, never cease interceding with the Lord on our behalf, for you have great access to Him.

You, O holy Constantine, were first of the Christian Emperors to receive the scepter from God. For the saving symbol that was hid beneath the earth did appear in the sky to you. By it you subjected all the nations, bringing them under the Roman rule, having as invincible armor the life-giving Cross of the Master, by which you were led to God, O blessed one.

Truly blessed is your mother’s womb; sanctified indeed is the belly of her that carried you; for you did become the Ruler who was loved by the world, crowned by God, O Saint Constantine, the glory of all Kings. You become for orphans and for widows wealth and defense; shelter of the poor and the lowly; truly the reversal of troubles, and the safe return of captive prisoners.

Urged on by her longing and her love for the Master Christ went the Mother of that most sweet royal son. Hastening she came to Holy Zion and she arrived at the sacred and holy place upon which our Savior willingly was crucified for the salvation of all. There she found the Cross and she took it; joyfully she cried aloud, Glory to Him who gave me what I was hoping for.

As a flash of lightning, as a comet from the Far West, your course was diverted from unbelief to faith in the true God, and you were led to sanctify your people and your City. And you saw the sign of the Cross in the sky, and from there you heard, “Hereby conquer your enemies.” Thus when you received the knowledge of the Spirit, and with oil were anointed as Priest and King, you reinforced the Church of Christ our God, O father of Orthodox Emperors. Your coffin pours out healings. Constantine, the peer of the Apostles, earnestly intercede on behalf of our souls.

Kemudian nyanyian di Matins:

The memorial of Constantine the pious, like perfume that is poured out, has arisen today. He longed for Christ and therefore held the idols in contempt. On earth he erected a temple to the One who was crucified for us; while in heaven he received the crown of hope.

On this day does Constantine along with Helen his mother show the holy Cross, that tree worthy of all veneration. Raised on high, it is a shame for all the Judeans, but a shield against the enemy for faithful rulers; and for us it has been shown forth to be a great sign, inspiring awe in war.

O believers, let us honor Constantine and Helen his mother; for, hearing the words of the Prophet, they recognized in the cedar, the pine and the cypress, the tri-composite Cross, by which the saving Passion came to pass. And they roused all the Jews, to be prepared to display before the people the great justification, hidden because of their hatred and jealousy. And when they found the Cross, they put it on display. Therefore, they were revealed to all as victors, bearing the unassailable shield, a great sign, inspiring awe in war.

The great and holy Constantine with his mother St. Helen did not receive imperial rule and dominion from men but by divine grace from heaven. He is the one who witnessed the divine trophy of the Cross shining above, and by it he crushed the foes, ending the deceptive ruse of the idols; and he confirmed the Orthodox faith as a world religion.

Full of wisdom, Constantine, rejoice! The well of Orthodox Faith, that has watered in every age the entire universe with its waters most sweet, rejoice! Glorious root, out of which has burgeoned forth the fruit that feeds the entire Church of Christ, you are the pride and joy of the fathers; O rejoice! You are the first of all Christian emperors. Rejoice, believers’ joy!

He who rules over creation all, O all wise Ruler, foresaw the obedience of your heart, and through reason captured you when unreason was ruling you; and He illumined your thoughts and reasoning with certain knowledge of Orthodox belief; glorious Constantine, to the world He showed you as a shining sun, radiating brilliant beams of godly words and deeds.

Full of wisdom, Helen, praised by all, when you accepted the Lord’s saving teachings, like chosen earth you abundantly produced many fruits of your virtuous deeds. And by displaying a holy way of life for imitation, you thereby feed our minds. Therefore we celebrate your divine memorial, O royal Saint, festively observing it today with heightened joy.

You anointed paradoxically with oil of gladness, O Christ, holy Constantine and devout Helen who advanced Your work, for they hated idolatry, and rather longingly loved Your handsomeness, O Word, and therefore You made them worthy of heavenly rule with You; for they previously ruled upon the earth with the utmost piety, at Your divine behest.

The King of kings and God, who adorns the worthy with abundant gifts, caught you in His net, through the sign of the Cross, like He did to Paul the glorious, O Constantine. He said to you, “In this sign conquer your enemies.” Thus having sought Him, as did your godly-minded mother, and having found Him for whom you longed, you utterly defeated them. In company with your mother, earnestly pray for Orthodox rulers, and the Christ-loving armed forces, and all of us who loyally observe your memory, entreating Him who alone loves humanity, to deliver us from all wrath.

Oleh: Hendi




The Service of Vespers – Menaion – May 21 Memory of Sts. Constantine and Helen

The Service of Matins – Menaion – May 21 Memory of Sts. Constantine and Helen


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